More than three thousand people took part in the qualifying stage of the international Olympiad "Volga-IT'22"
On June 14, the organizing committee of the thirteenth International Digital Olympiad "Volga-IT'22" summed up the results of the qualifying stage. This year, representatives of 75 regions of Russia and 15 countries took part in the Olympiad.
In 2022, the Olympiad broke the record in terms of the number of participants – 3,286 people registered for the qualifying stage. Last year, 2,677 people participated in the competition.
"The event aroused the greatest interest among schoolchildren and students from Ulyanovsk, Samara, Moscow, Vologda, the Republic of Chuvashia and St. Petersburg. The TOP 5 most popular disciplines included "Web Design", "Java/C# Application Programming", "C++ Application Programming", "Unity (C#) Game Development" and "JavaScript Programming"," said the organizer of the Volga-IT Digital Olympiad Denis Efremov.
The best participants who have passed the qualifying stage will be invited to the final, which will be held in Ulyanovsk from September 15 to 18.
The results of the qualifying stage will be published on the website: