Representatives of UlSTU conduct career guidance events in the Republic of Tajikistan


From April 17 to April 30, representatives of Ulyanovsk State Technical University are holding career guidance events and the international Olympiad in general education subjects "I study in Ulyanovsk" in the Khatlon region of the Republic of Tajikistan.

On April 17 and 18, meetings with schoolchildren and test sessions of the Olympiad were held in the urban-type settlements of Moskovsky, Parkhar, and on April 19 in the city of Kulyab. Representatives of UlSTU visited seven secondary educational institutions and held the Olympiad in four of them. 86 people took part in the Olympiad in the Republic of Tajikistan in April.

It is planned that by the end of April, lecturers of UlST will also visit educational institutions in the cities of Bokhtar, Vakhdat, Hissar, Dushanbe, Levakand and Tursunzade.

823 people from  Kyrgyz Republic, the Republics of Tajikistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan took part in  international Olympiad in general education subjects "I study in Ulyanovsk" in the 2022/2023 academic year.
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