Scientific direction
Scientific adviser
Research and modeling of technological processes of manufacturing and assembly of aircraft manufactured by Aviastar – SP JSC
Fedorov A. A.
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Organization and management of technological processes in production, transport and business
Lyashko F. E.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Scientific direction
Scientific adviser
Development of energy-efficient and environmentally friendly technologies for the operation of thermal power systems and installations
Sharapov V.I.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Scientific and methodological foundations for improving architectural and construction education, architectural and construction areas of study
Tour V.I.
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor
Statistical synthesis and analysis of information systems
Vasiliev K.K.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Dynamics, strength of machines, instruments and equipment
Manzhosov V.K.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Development of prescription and technological ways to improve the properties of materials, products and structures
Maximov S.V.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Scientific direction
Scientific adviser
Research on differential equations and applications in mechanics, engineering and natural science
Velmisov P.A.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
Managing the development of socio-economic systems
Lazarev V.V.
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor
Methods and tools for improving the quality of products and services
Kadeev D.N.
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Dynamics, strength of machines, instruments and equipment
Manzhosov V.K.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Development of commercial activity in the market of goods and services
Deeva E.M.
Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor
Evolution of social welfare in the conditions of intellectualization of economic activity
Bart L.V.
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor
Marketing activity management, directions and forms of marketing organization and their adaptation to changing market conditions in the Russian economy
Kachagin E.A.
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
Improving the tools and mechanisms of the financial potential of the region
Shitov V.N.
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor
Research of regional economic problems
Kondratieva M.N.
Doctor of Economics, Professor
Accounting and analytical support for the creation and commercialization of intellectual property objects
Karpukhin I.V.
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
Development of labor relations
Chekin A.N.
Doctor of Philosophy
International and national law
Kochetkova P.M.
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
Scientific direction
Scientific adviser
Russian Literature in the context of World Literature and Christian Tradition
Dyrdin A.A.
Doctor of Philology, Professor
Regulatory and information technology support of publishing activities
Dyrdin A.A.
Doctor of Philology, Professor
The concept of "Russia" in the mirror of historical prose of the XX - XXI centuries
Lobin A.M.
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
Theoretical and methodological aspects of the study of the states and processes of social life and the problems of their epistemological representation
Brysina T.N.
Doctor of Philology, Professor
Problems of socio-economic and cultural development of Russia in historical dynamics
Petukhov V.B.
Doctor of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor
New social and political processes in Russian society
Shinyaeva O.V.
Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor
Modern technologies of teaching foreign languages in a non-linguistic university
Sharafutdinova N.S.
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor
Research of methods and means of computational linguistics
Sosnina E.P.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Socio-economic aspects of physical education of young people
Buyanov V.N.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor
Scientific direction
Scientific adviser
Development and research of elements and components of on-board information and control systems
Kiselyov S.K.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Intelligent systems in computer-aided design and production management
Yarushkina N.G.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Models, methods and tools of computer-aided design are a family of scalable complex technical systems in conditions of uncertainty of project information
Shishkin V.V.
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Mathematical modeling of information and physical systems
Krasheninnikov V.R.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Presentation and processing of project activity processes in an integrated information environment
Pokhilko A.F.
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Scientific direction
Scientific adviser
Development of the scientific foundations of resource-saving environmentally friendly technologies for the manufacture of parts, tools and blanks
Khudobin L.V.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Optimization and structural strength
Dyakov I.F.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Development of technologies for the application of wear-resistant ion-plasma coatings of cutting tools and means of technological support of machining operations
Tabakov V.P.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Development of technologies for intensive shaping of sheet and powder blanks by pressure treatment
Kokorin V.N.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Scientific direction
Scientific adviser
Development and research of microelectronic and optoelectronic devices and their manufacturing technology
Samokhvalov M.K.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
Physics of nanoelectromechanical systems
Brazhe R.A.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
Statistical synthesis and analysis of information systems
Vasiliev K.K.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Adaptive identification-free estimation of signal and image parameters
Tashlinsky A.G.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Research and modeling of wave and thermophysical processes in materials, structures and elements of opto- and nanoelectronics
Sergeyev V.A.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor